
How to Remove Computer Virus

How to Remove Computer Virus Step by step guide to removing viruses, adware, and other unwanted nasty from your computer. Malware: Viruses, ...

How to Remove Computer Virus
Step by step guide to removing viruses, adware, and other unwanted nasty from your computer.
Malware: Viruses, Adware, and Spyware Removal Instructions
How to Get Rid of Malware & Viruses:
Probably there are thoughts to be infected with malware, malicious incident. The symptoms of viruses are criminal: popup, hijacked search results in a slow computer / internet in general, inability to connect to the internet, unknown processes, etc.
New viruses and variants appear almost daily, so regardless of the antivirus software to use and how often you are aware of current security software may not be able to cure or even recognize the problem.
Preparation of Malware / Virus Removal:
Fortunately, the problems with viruses are almost always curable. You will probably need new software and multi-layered approach to eliminate the virus to download, but when you if you follow these instructions step by step, you will be back to a clean machine.
First, make sure your Windows updates, especially security patches and critical updates. This update also updated Java and Adobe Acrobat.
Temp File Clean up:
Next, Download and Run TFC(Temp File Clean up). This is a simple but useful tool that cleans all your temp folders. Using it makes your antivirus software scan a lot quicker, too. After downloading follow these steps:
> Open TFC and close any other windows/programs. Click the Start button. Do not open any programs or windows after you have started the program.
> TFC requires a reboot immediately after running.
Scan for Viruses:
Make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date. Now, run a full system scan and save a copy the log file for the last step.
Recommended Free Anti-Virus Software: AVG and Avira and Avast all offer great free antivirus / computer security software.
Scan with Malware bytes Anti-Malware:
Download Malware bytes Anti-Malware and follow these steps:
> Open mbam-setup.exe and follow the instructions to install. At the end, be sure the Update &Launch and boxes are ticked, and click Finish.
> Once updated and loaded, select Perform Quick Scan, then click Scan. When complete, click OK, then Show Results.
> Be sure everything is checked, then click Remove Selected.
> A log file will open in notepad. Save this in the same place you saved your antivirus log file.
> Restart your computer.
Hopefully, these first 3 steps found and removed any sort of malware from your PC. If you want to be certain, or think you are still infected, continue on to the next steps:
Download and Run – GMER
Follow these steps:
> Download GMER and save it to where you are storing your anti-malware utilities. Note: This file will have a random name.
> Disconnect from internet, close all running programs including any real-time virus scanning utility.
> Open the randomly named GMER file, allow gmer.sys driver to load if prompted.
> Select the Root kit tab> click Scan
> If you get a WARNING about root kit activity, and are prompted to fully scan your computer, click NO.
> After the scan completes, click Save button, then save results as gmer.log (again, keep track of where you have this log file).
> Exit GMER and re-enable your active virus protection.
Download and Run – DDS by SUBs
Follow these steps – DDS program used to troubleshoot malware issues. The log files will be needed to produce the final stage of the process.
> Download DDS by sUBs first. After downloading, disable your virus protection/script blocking protection, and also disconnect from the internet.
> Double click on the DDS icon, allow it to run. If it won’t run, rename the file and try again. A window will open, with info about the utility. You don’t need to do anything, the scan is already running.
> The results will open in notepad. Click No for the Optional Scan.
> Follow the instructions. When finished, DDS will open 2 log files: DDS.txt and Attach.txt (save these with your other log files).
> Close the DDS window. Delete the program from your where you saved it.
> Enable your virus protection and re-connect to the internet.
Final Step – Posting Logs to a Forum for Help:
Now you can post your log files to a malware removal help forum. And follow these instructions.
> Register for forum membership at TechSpot.com
> After registration is complete, point your browser to this page. You’ve already done their 8 steps if you followed all the steps in the previous guide, but please read over it to make sure you didn’t miss anything, then Skip to Step 7.
> Got all that? Now go to TechSpot.com’s Virus & Malware Removal Board. Click the button for +New Topic, and post your message.
> I suggest you use a concise & descriptive message title, then a little bit about your malware symptoms, be sure to mention that you followed their 8 Step Guide and have your required log files. Then paste in the following logs:
- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware log
- GMER log
- DDS logs: both DDS.txt and Attach.txt
Keep your antivirus scan log from earlier handy incase you are asked to post it as well.
Finish posting your assistance request to the forum, and you will recieve replies within a day, but generally within an hour or less.
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