
Computer History - 1800's

Year Event 1804 Frances Joseph-Marie Jacquard completes his fully automated loom that is programmed by punche...

Year Event
1804 Frances Joseph-Marie Jacquard completes his fully automated loom that is programmed by punched cards.
1811 Alexander Bain is born in 1811.
1814 Izrael Staffel is born in 1814.
1815 Giovanni Caselli is born April 25, 1815.
1815 George Boole is born November 2, 1815.
1815 Ada Lovelace is born December 15, 1815.
1816 Charles Stanhope passes away December 15, 1816.
1819 Christopher Sholes is born February 14, 1819.
1820 Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar creates the "arithometer", the first reliable, useful, and commercially successful calculating machine.
1822 In the early 1822 Charles Babbage purposed and begins developing the Difference Engine.
1823 Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius silicon (Si), which today is the basic component of IC's.
1825 The earliest known surviving photograph is taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1825 of a view of a courtyard from his window.
1827 Georg Simon Ohm introduces Ohm's law in the book Die galvanische Kette, mathematisch bearbeitet.
1830 Jean Fourier passes away May 16, 1830 (Age: 62)
1831 Joseph Henry of Princeton invents the first working telegraph.
1832 Semen Korsakov uses punch cards for the first time to store and search for information.
1833 Joseph Niépce passes away July 5, 1833 (age 68)
1835 Elisha Gray is born August 2, 1835.
1837 Charles Babbage purposes the Analytical Engine.
1838 Samuel Morse invents a code (later called Morse code) that used different numbers to represent the letters of the English alphabet and the ten digits.
1844 Samuel Morse dispatches the first telegraphic message over a line from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore on May 24, 1844.
1845 In 1845, Izrael Staffel demonstrated the Staffel's calculator at the industrial exhibition in Warsaw.
1847 Thomas Edison is born February 11, 1847.
1847 Alexander Graham Bell is born March 3, 1847.
1847 Siemens is founded on October 12, 1847.
1849 John Ambrose Fleming is born November 29, 1849.
1849 George Grant is born December 21, 1849.
1850 Charles Flint is born January 24, 1850.
1851 Western Union was founded.
1852 Ada Lovelace passes away November 27, 1852.
1854 Augustus DeMorgan and George Boole formalize a set of logical operations now known as DeMorgan transformations.
1854 George Fairchild is born May 6 , 1854.
1854 Georg Ohm passes away July 6, 1854 (Age: 65)
1855 The Crane Company is founded.
1856 Nikola Tesla is born July 10, 1856.
1857 Heinrich Hertz is born February 22, 1857.
1857 The phonautograph (phonograph) is patented March 25, 1857 by Frenchman Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville. The device was capable of transcribing sound to a medium.
1858 Jagadish Bose is born November 30, 1858.
1859 The Elevator is patented on August 9, 1959.
1860 Herman Hollerith is born February 29, 1860.
1861 The first known permanent color photograph is taken of a Tartan Ribbon by the photographer Thomas Sutton. To achieve a color image he took a photo of the ribbon three times, each time with a different color, a method developed by James Clerk Maxwell.
1862 Dorr Felt is born March 18, 1862.
1864 George Boole passes away December 8, 1864.
1866 The first successful Trans-Atlantic cable is laid from Ireland to Newfoundland.
1868 Christopher Sholes is issued a patent on July 14, 1868 for a typewriter utilizing the QWERTY layout keyboard still used today.
1870 Mitsubishi is founded.
1870 Charles Thomas passes away March 12, 1870.
1871 Charles Babbage passes away October 18, 1871.
1872 Samuel Morse passes away April 2, 1872.
1873 Georg Scheutz passes away May 22, 1873.
1874 Thomas Watson is born February 17, 1874.
1874 Guglielmo Marconi is born April 25, 1874.
1875 Tanaka Seizo-sho is established in Japan and later merges with another company called shibaura Seisaku-sho to form Tokyo Shibarura Denki. Later this companies name is shortened to the company that we know today, Toshiba.
1875 William Eccles is born August 23, 1875.
1875 The company American Telephone and Telegraph Company that later became AT&T is founded.
1876 Scottish-Canadian-American Alexander Graham Bell is often credited as inventing the telephone makes the first call March 10, 1876.
1877 Alexander Bain passes away January 2, 1877.
1877 The microphone is invented in the United States by Emile Berliner.
1877 Thomas Edison invents and announces on November 21, 1877 the first phonograph capable of recording and replaying sounds.
1878 Eadweard Muybridge's "The Horse In Motion" becomes the first motion picture.
1878 Joseph Henry passes away May 13, 1878 (Age:80)
1879 Albert Einstein is born March 14, 1879.
1879 Thomas Edison demos incandescent electric light bulb that lasts 13 1/2 hours October 21, 1879.
1879 James Jacob Ritty patents the worlds first cash register November 4, 1879.
1879 President Rutherford B. Hayes becomes the first president with a phone in the White House and gets the phone number "1."
1880 ASME is founded.
1881 Emanuel Goldberg is born on August 31, 1881.
1882 The first commercial electric power station becomes operation September 4, 1882.
1882 Fredrik Bull is born December 25, 1882.
1883 Edith Clarke is born February 10, 1883.
1883 American Thomas Edison discovers the Edison effect, where an electric current flows through a vacuum.
1884 Izrael Staffel passes away in 1884.
1885 American Telegraph and Telephone company (AT&T) is incorporated March 3,1885.
1886 Heinrich Rudolf Hertz proves that electricity is transmitted at the speed of light.
1887 Yamaha is founded October 12, 1887.
1888 Clair Lake is born in 1888.
1888 National Geographic Society is established on January 27, 1888.
1888 Nikola Tesla patents the rotating field motor May 1, 1888 and later sells the rights to George Westinghouse. This invention helps create and transmit AC power and today is still a method for generating and distributing AC power.
1888 William S. Burroughs patents a printing adding machine.
1888 Eastman Kodak is founded.
1888 John Loud gets patent for the ballpoint pen October 30, 1888.
1888 Friedrich Reintzer discovers liquid crystal.
1890 Henry Philips is born in 1890.
1890 Christopher Sholes passes away February 17, 1890.
1891 Phillips is founded.
1894 Heinrich Hertz passes away January 1, 1894 (Age: 36)
1895 Nortel Networks is founded.
1895 Wilhelm Röntgen discovers X-rays November 8, 1895.
1896 Herman Hollerith starts the Tabulating Machine Company, the company later becomes the well-known computer company IBM (International Business machines).
1897 Gertrude Blanch is born.
1897 Emil Post is born February 11, 1897.
1897 German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun invents the Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope.
1897 Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscope, a motion picture viewer on August 31, 1897.
1898 Alcatel is founded.
1898 Nikola Tesla invents the remote control November 8, 1898.
1890 Vannevar Bush is born March 11, 1890.
1890 Herman Hollerith developed a method for machines to to record and store information onto punch cards to be used for the US census. He later formed the company we know as IBM today.
1891 Giovanni Caselli passes away June 8, 1891.
1899 Nippon Electric Company is renamed to NEC Corporation July 17, 1899.
1899 AT&T acquires assets of American Bell, and becomes the parent company of Bell System.
1899 On September 13, 1899 Henry Bliss becomes the first North American pedestrian to be killed by an automobile.
1899 William D. Middlebrook patents the paper clip on November 9, 1899.
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