Ditch Your Cable & Go Streaming - Circles Tech

Between fiber optics, cable and DSL, almost everyone has high-speed internet in their home. At the same time, most people also choose to pur...

Between fiber optics, cable and DSL, almost everyone has high-speed internet in their home. At the same time, most people also choose to purchase a premium cable or satellite TV package. These generally range from around $40-150 a month – and that can result in some serious money over time.

But as technology improves, some people are ditching their TV providers and catch up on their favorite shows online. If you’re committed to cutting your cable bill and want to go 100% streaming, here are the services that will give you the most bang for your buck:


It used to be known for its DVD-by-mail service. But today, Netflix dominates the online streaming market. With over 36 million subscribers, Netflix has a wide fan base – and a ton of content.

In 2013, Netflix branched out into original programming. Shows like Arrested Development, House of Cards and Hemlock Grove have been hits, even scoring Emmy nominations. Netflix streaming service starts at $7.99/month and includes unlimited access to Netflix content on up to two devices at once.

Hulu (U.S. and Japan Only)

Hulu offers the largest selection of TV shows online, and much of its content is free. The company also offers Hulu Plus, which is available for $7.99/month.

Hulu Plus allows access to more high-definition content as well as support for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, and Roku streaming devices. Hulu offers some original content, as well as popular shows like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Battlestar Galactica and Saturday Night Live.

Ditch Your Cable & Go Streaming

Amazon Video On Demand

Amazon offers a variety of programming and movies through its massive online library. With this service, users can purchase content to own or to rent.

Amazon Prime subscribers pay $79/year for access to Amazon Video and unlimited 2-day shipping with. Amazon Prime has tons of blockbuster movies like True Grit (2010), Hugo, Exit Through the Gift Shop and Ocean’s Eleven.

Veoh (U.S. Only)

This website partners with different TV networks to offer free online content. Some of the shows available on Veoh include The Big Bang Theory, According to Jim, Friends and CSI.

Ditch your cable & go streaming

If you pay $80/month or more for TV service that you don’t use, it may be best to switch to one of these online providers. If you love TV shows and movies, consider purchasing Netflix and Hulu Plus. Both combined would cost you $16/month – way cheaper than an expensive cable or satellite TV bill. Most of what you already watch is probably available – and you’ll save time by being able to skip commercials. But if you really want to save money and only get one, Netflix has the most extensive library. Pay $8/month for Netflix, and find the rest of your content online for free.
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