
Get A Garmin HUD (Head-Up Display) For Your Smartphone GPS

If you would like to have a futuristic navigation HUD on the windshield of your ride, then you should check out Sygic’s GPS app!  Almost a...

If you would like to have a futuristic navigation HUD on the windshield of your ride, then you should check out Sygic’s GPS app!  Almost all smartphones offer free GPS navigation nowadays, but unless you have a smartphone mounted to your dashboard, looking down at your phone for navigation can be awkward, not to mention, potentially very dangerous.

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The very popular GPS navigation app Sygic, has a solution: Reflect the navigation data onto your windshield. Sygic is launching a heads-up display (HUD) interface on its iPhone and Android applications, with no external gadgets required.
You just need to place your smartphone underneath your windshield and the high-contrast HUD interface on Sygic’s app will be reflected on it, giving it the illusion that your car has a futuristic, smart windshield. The app highlights the most important navigation information, like the distance to your next turn, and it works in combination with the app’s voice navigation system.

Garmin has released a $150 gadget that enables a similar HUD feature on its $50 mobile app. Sygic’s HUD, in comparison, weighs in at just $5 (plus extra for more features).
Sygic is one of the most popular navigation apps in the world, with 33 million users and $18 million in revenue this year.  The Bratislava, Slovakia based Company has been around since 2004 and while the company has a 3 million+ user base in the U.S. it is not as well known as other GPS solutions from TomTom and Garmin or the free apps from Apple and Google.

Unlike most GPS apps, Sygic downloads its maps onto your phone so you can use its navigation features even without a cellular connection, then the app just relies on your phone’s GPS. The company also differs from many of its competitors by taking a freemium approach: Basic navigation is free, but you have to pay $29 for voice guidance and other premium features. Michal Stencl, Sygic’s founder and CEO, said in a recent interview, “We have a different strategy [from competitors], our business model is very transparent…We don’t want to collect info about the users, that’s why we ask for micropayments.”
All in all, for only a few bucks you can get a pretty cool piece of tech for your transport.  I for one, may just give it a try.
SOURCE: Venturebeat

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