Top 10 Best Tech This Week Don't Want To Miss

Technology is used, in part, to better human life. Whether it focuses on helping the sick and injured or improving our daily routines, new ...

Technology is used, in part, to better human life. Whether it focuses on helping the sick and injured or improving our daily routines, new gadgets are making our lives increasingly easier — including the innovative tech released within the past week.

See also: Awesome Gifts for Techies Who Has Everything

Wrestling with your keys while holding groceries, small children or any number of heavy items is both difficult and annoying. But with the new UniKey, you can open or lock your door with a simple tap of your touchscreen. UniKey connects with your iPhone, so you don't even have to be next to your door to unlock it. While there are still some safety concerns, this high-tech lock can save you the time and money is costs to make copies of keys.
Have you ever missed an important package because you stepped out of your apartment at the wrong time? If Amazon has its way, you'll never have to worry about waiting for deliveries again. The company recently revealed plans to use automated drones to drop off packages to its customers. While it still needs FAA approval and to make sure the drones will be fully functional, Amazon might be at the cusp of high-speed robotic delivery.
If you've ever left a light on or forgot to turn off a curling iron, you may never have to worry about your house burning down or paying an expensive electric bill again. The Smart Power Strip prototype allows customers to switch appliances on and off from their Wi-Fi enabled smartphone. While the project has yet to reach its monetary goal on Kickstarter, there is some talk of developing the device for all types of plugs.

1. Google Glass Owners Get Free Hardware Upgrade

If you own Google Glass, you can swap your device for the latest model. The new Glass Explorer Edition is faster, more durable and will be compatible with other frames.

2. Tongue-Controlled Wheelchair Helps Paralyzed People Move

Using a magnetized tongue piercing and a wireless head set, quadriplegics can control their wheelchairs with their tongues.

3. Amazon Unveils Flying Delivery Drones on 60 Minutes

Amazon revealed tentative plans to deliver packages via drones. If the company gets FAA approval, it could mean major changes in the delivery business.

4. UniKey Unlocks Doors by Touch for 21st Century Entry

Keys can be a hassle -- they are easily lost, hard to use when carrying multiple items and can break inside a lock. UniKey helps get you into your house faster and easier with a simple touch.

5. Gravity Squeezes 40% More Power From These Solar Panels

Eden Full, a Princeton University undergrad, created an optimized solar panel that generates 40% more power. How? Using Earth's gravity.

6.Smart Power Strip Lets You Control Appliances Remotely

You might never have to worry again that you've left a hair straightener plugged in. The Smart Power Strip can turn appliances on and off with a simple command from your smartphone.

7. Microsoft Is Working on a High-Tech Bra

The company that created the Xbox One is currently developing a smart bra to warn women against emotional eating.

8. Smart Gloves Mimic Human Touch, Making Winter More Bearable

Never risk frostbite to access your smartphone again. These stylish gloves from AEON Attire use nanotechnology to mimic human finger movement.

9. Dual-Screen YotaPhone Hits Shelves in Russia

Multitasking on a smartphone will never be the same thanks to the YotaPhone, which allows users to wield two screens back-to-back.

10. New 'Active' Invisibility Cloak Shields Across Light Frequencies

While you still can't be invisible to the human eye, scientists have created a cloaking system that will hide objects at the microwave level. Using electric power, the cloak bends light waves around an object, making it appear as though the object isn't even there.

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